This is some of my marks and objects for my mark making. Look and read from bottom of blog to top!!
I discovered if you add the marks of the lightbulb and the burnt paper, it makes a complete moth.
burnt paper again.
This mark was made from a piece of burnt paper for " burnt to a crisp." It reminded me of a moths wings.
The mark it made.
A light bulb to represent brightness. From the line "a moth saw brightness"
The marks it made.
A pearl necklace also for woman.
examples of marks it made.
Nail polish also to represent a woman for the same line.
The mark it made gives a very splattered look. I am not sure how it works yet, but i love the textures of this mark.
A bobby pin to represent a woman for the line "in a woman's chamber".
The make it made when rolled on its side sort of looks like flames or fire.
This is a lighter to represent "burnt to a crisp."
This is the mark that the candle made.
This is one of my objects. It is a candle to represent "brightness".