Monday, September 6, 2010

some ghost hunting progess

We were having some trouble finding a place to get photos of the inside. I forgot completely about an old mansion in my hometown Troy,Ks. This house was completely gutted and sat empty and deserted for many years bc no one could afford to fix it up. A couple years ago a couple bought the house and started turning it into a bed and breakfast. It is amazing how much nicer it has become. I was only able to take photos on the bottom floor of the house because they had guests staying all weekend (bc of labor day). I am so glad I thought of this hidden treasure and I feel we got the imagery we needed for our posters. It was quite funny trying to explain to an older "country" woman what it was exactly I needed the pictures for. She said.. "so you are looking for ghosts?" After a little explanation she laughed,(thinking that the idea of ghosts hunters was ridiculous) then agreed to let me take the photos. :)

Here are a few:

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